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- Suricata IDPE 7.0.6[6]
- Site suricata.io[7]
Suricata is a network intrusion detection and prevention engine developed by the Open Information Security Foundation and its supporting vendors. The engine is multi-threaded and has native IPv6 support. It's capable of loading existing Snort rules and signatures and supports the Barnyard and Barnyard2 tools.
- Changes: 4 security fixes, 23 bug fixes, 2 optimizations, 2 features, and 3 documentation updates.
- systems | unix[8]
- advisories | CVE-2024-37151[9]
- SHA-256 |
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- SQL Injection[57] (16,569)
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File Archives
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- Windows[107] (6,665)
- Other[108]
- Services
- Security Services[119]
- Hosting By
- Rokasec[120]

Read more https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/179260/suricata-7.0.6.tar.gz